Welcome to HouseholdAdvice!

Learn new tricks for household chores, cleaning, cooking, and much more.

Our Mission

Our mission is to show you how you can cut costs and make ends meet, while at the same time, live comfortably within your means.

This site is built for every parent that would like to be able to have the nice things in life, and still stay within your budget. We'll help you get organized and stay organized. Listed below is a break down of our site.


This area will help you get your house back in order. Tips for getting it organized and keeping it organized! Always wanted to de-clutter your home, but didn't know where to start? Here's your place to go!

Cleaning Tips

Ready to tackle the big H? Don't know where or even how to start? We'll show you the easiest, and quickest way to tackle your house once and for all! Want to know how to get that pesky stain out of the rug? Come on in!

Cooking Tips

Find mouth watering recipes in here!

Out of an ingredient, and need to substitute something else? Find out how to replace something you're out of with something you may have on hand!

Baking Soda Wonders

Have you ever thought how neat some things are? Some things are good for almost anything. How many products do you know that you can eat, clean clothes with, clean your house with, use for cleaning your teeth, putting out stove fires, and even killing house pests? Baking Soda is one of the things every house should have!

Frugal Living Links

Want to find other sites that will help you learn to live a more frugal lifestyle? We have a large collection of links here.

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